Company overview:


Woodoc are market leaders in wood care and maintenance and a household brand name in South Africa. As brands go, they are an agency’s dream client. Working with (not for) such a diverse and dynamic team of people who refer to you as ‘family’ is rare but fits in with our agency dynamic.

Our team works with their management and marketing team, as well as their agents, on a diverse range of projects. Each project we tackle keeps us inspired and driven – very often pushing us out of our comfort zone and helping us grow as an agency.

Through our long relationship, an element of trust developed. This trust has helped solidify our relationship and gave us the opportunity to work with them on a variety of projects – from updating and modernising their complete packaging range, to taking on their social media and expanding on their digital presence, to managing their ground-breaking Woodoc Wizard web-app.

Woodoc started in 1971 from a farm in Fort Beaufort in the Eastern Cape expanding into Africa, Mauritius, United Kingdom and Europe.  We’ve been fortunate to be a part of their journey since 2001 in one form or another (mostly through a marketing agency). But in the last 4 to 5 years we’ve truly become hands-on and part of the amazing Woodoc family.

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